Integrative Reiki

Clear, Reset and Positively shift your energy

Reiki is a Japanese system that channels Universal Vital Energy for relaxation and healing. Reiki energy works naturally and intuitively, dissolving your body's energy blockages and restoring balance.

Maria's extensive knowledge in integrative healing provides a unique Reiki experience, intuitively crafting your session with mindfulness, guided imagery, deep relaxation, breathing, and sound healing practices. click here to access my guided meditations

A Reiki session is deeply restorative, helping you to reset your nervous system by activating the relaxation response. The effects of Reiki are cumulative, helping you to access your innate capacity for self-healing.

Integrative Reiki will help you:

  • Relieve stress and illness, promoting relaxation and healing

  • Feel more calm, grounded and centered in your heart

  • Clear, balance and strengthen your energy

  • Access your intuition and wisdom


Maria’s reiki healings and meditations have been so helpful for me. I can honestly say I have experienced reduced pain and better sleep after a session.

/  Sandra steichen  / virtual sessions/


Ways to work together

For best results and benefits, I recommend meeting once or every other week if you are undergoing medical treatments or procedures, recovery, or facing personal life challenges. Sessions will help you reduce side effects, improve energy levels, and relieve physical, mental, and emotional stress.

For self-care support, you will benefit from receiving Reiki every other week to once a month. Regular sessions will help you to stay well and balanced.

Integrative Reiki in-person : downtown Makawao, HI

  • First time clients : 75 minute session for $150

  • Returning Clients: package of four in-person sessions for $500

Virtual Reiki by phone or video

  • First time clients : 60 minute session for $125

  • Returning Clients: package of five virtual sessions for $450

Interested in Learning Reiki?

I offer private Reiki trainings in-person and online. Send me an email for details:


My life has transformed because of my work with Maria. She is truly an intuitive and an incredible healer and listens to what I need and caters the practice to the moment. I can’t speak more highly of her and have referred many friends and colleagues to her too. I’m so lucky to have her in my life

/ emily marinelli / virtual sessions/